Home Publications - J. A. Sauls | Chronological | Quantum Fluids | Superconductivity | Astro | Selected | Reviews | Highlights
Reviews Publications - J. A. Sauls
  1. Anomalous Hall Effects in Chiral Superconductors. Frontiers in Physics, 12:1384275, 2024. Vudtiwat Ngampruetikorn and J. A Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  2. AB Transition in Superfluid 3He and Cosmological Phase Transitions. Journal Low Temperature Physics, 215:495--524, 2024. M. Hindmarsh, J. A. Sauls, K. Zhang, and [QUEST-DMC]. [doi], [arXiv].
  3. On the Excitations of a Balian-Werthamer Superconductor. Journal Low Temperature Physics, 208:87--118, 2022. J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  4. Majorana fermions as quanta of a superfluid vacuum. arXiv:, 2203.16698:1--5, 2022. J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  5. Theory of Disordered Superconductors with Applications to Nonlinear Current Response. Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys., 2022:1--24, 2022. J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  6. Andreev Bound States and Their Signatures. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 376(2125), 2018. J. A Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  7. New Phases of Superfluid 3He Confined in Aerogels. Physics Today, 71:30--36, 2018. W. P. Halperin, J. Parpia, and J. A Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  8. Vortices in Chiral, Spin-Triplet Superconductors and Superfluids. New Journal of Physics, 11:075008, 2009. J. A Sauls and M Eschrig. [doi], [arXiv].
  9. Helium-Three in Aerogel. Reviews of Modern Physics, submitted:pp. 1--10, 2008. W. P. Halperin and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  10. Broken Symmetry and Non-Equilibrium Superfluid 3He. In H. Godfrin and Y. Bunkov, editors, Topological Defects and Non-Equilibrium Symmetry Breaking Phase Transitions - \em Lecture Notes for the 1999 Les Houches Winter School, pages 239--265, Amsterdam, 2000. Elsievier Science Publishers. J. A. Sauls. [arXiv].
  11. Fermi Liquid Superconductivity: \it Concepts, Equations, Applications. In S. L. Dreschsler and T. Mishonov, editors, High-Tc Superconductors and Related Materials: \it Materials Science, Fundamental Properties, and Some Future Electronic Applications - \em Lecture Notes for the 1998 NATO ASI on Superconductivity, Albena, Bulgaria, volume 86, page 33 pages, Amsterdam, 2001. Elsievier Science Publishers. M. Eschrig, J. A. Sauls, H. Burkhardt, and D. Rainer. [doi].
  12. Strong-Coupling Theory of Superconductivity. In P. N. Butcher and Yu Lu, editors, Superconductivity: From Basic Physics to New Developments, pages 45--78, Singapore, 1995. World Scientific. D. Rainer and J. A. Sauls. [doi].
  13. Fermi-Liquid Theory of Non-S-Wave Superconductivity. In N. Bontemps, Y. Bruynseraede, G. Deutscher, and A. Kapitulnik, editors, NATO ASI series on ``The Vortex State'', page 244, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1994. Kluwer Academic Press. P. Muzikar, D. Rainer, and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  14. The Order Parameter for the Superconducting Phases of UPt3. Advances in Physics, 43:113, 1994. J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  15. Fermi-Liquid Theory of Unconventional Superconductors. In Kevin S. Bedell, Ziqiang Wang, David E. Meltzer, Alexander V. Balatsky, and Elihu Abrahams, editors, Strongly Correlated Electronic Materials: The Los Alamos Symposium 1993, pages 106--132, Reading, Mass., 1994. Addison-Wesely. J. A. Sauls. [arXiv].
  16. Collective Modes and Nonlinear Acoustics in Superfluid 3He-B. In W.P. Halperin and L.P. Pitaevskii, editors, Helium Three, page 255, The Netherlands, 1990. Elsiever Science Publishers. R. H. McKenzie and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  17. Superfluidity in the Interiors of Neutron Stars. In H. Ögelman and E. van den Heuvel, editors, Timing Neutron Stars, page 457, Dordreccht, The Netherlands, 1989. Kluwer Academic Press. J. A. Sauls. [doi].
Home Publications - J. A. Sauls | Chronological | Quantum Fluids | Superconductivity | Astro | Selected | Reviews | Highlights
Last update: May 29, 2018