Home Publications - J. A. Sauls | Chronological | Quantum Fluids | Superconductivity | Astro | Selected | Reviews | Highlights
Selected Publications - J. A. Sauls
  1. Efficacious Qubit Mappings for Quantum Simulations of the 12C Rotational Band. In 2024 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI), pages 627--631, 2024. Darin C. Mumma, Zhonghao Sun, Alexis Mercenne, Kristina D. Launey, Soorya Rethinasamy, and James A. Sauls. [doi].
  2. Hydrogen and Deuterium Tunneling in Niobium. Physical Review B, submitted:1--5, 2024. Abdulaziz Abagoda, W. A. Shelton, I. Vekhter, and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  3. Photon Frequency Conversion in High-Q Superconducting Resonators: Axion Electrodynamics, QED and Nonlinear Meissner Radiation. Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys., 2024:1--20, 2024. Hikaru Ueki and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  4. Anomalous Hall Effects in Chiral Superconductors. Frontiers in Physics, 12:1384275, 2024. Vudtiwat Ngampruetikorn and J. A Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  5. AB Transition in Superfluid 3He and Cosmological Phase Transitions. Journal Low Temperature Physics, 215:495--524, 2024. M. Hindmarsh, J. A. Sauls, K. Zhang, and [QUEST-DMC]. [doi], [arXiv].
  6. Weyl Fermions and Broken Symmetry Phases in Laterally Confined 3He Films. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 35:495402, 2023. Hao Wu and J. A Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  7. Effects of Anisotropy and Disorder on the Superconducting Properties of Niobium. Frontiers in Physics, 11:1269872, 2023. Mehdi Zarea, Hikaru Ueki, and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  8. Electromagnetic Response of Disordered Superconducting Cavities. Frontiers in Superconducting Materials, 3:1--7, 2023. Mehdi Zarea, Hikaru Ueki, and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  9. Systematic Improvements in Transmon Qubit Coherence Enabled by Niobium Surface Encapsulation. NJP Quantum Information, 10:43, 2024. M. Bal and [SQMS Collaboration]. [doi], [arXiv].
  10. Formation and Microwave Losses of Hydrides in Superconducting Niobium Thin Films Resulting from Fluoride Chemical Processing. Advanced Functional Materials, 2024:2401365, 2024. C. G. Torres-Castanedo and [SQMS Collaboration]. [doi], [arXiv].
  11. The Heat Capacity of 3He-B in Silica Aerogel. Journal Low Temperature Physics, 213:42--50, 2023. J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  12. Niobium in the Clean Limit: an Intrinsic Type I Superconductor. Physical Review B Letters, 106:L180505, 2022. Ruslan Prozorov, Mehdi Zarea, and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  13. On the Excitations of a Balian-Werthamer Superconductor. Journal Low Temperature Physics, 208:87--118, 2022. J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  14. Majorana fermions as quanta of a superfluid vacuum. arXiv:, 2203.16698:1--5, 2022. J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  15. Theory of Disordered Superconductors with Applications to Nonlinear Current Response. Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys., 2022:1--24, 2022. J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  16. Anomalous Thermal Hall Effect in Chiral Phases of 3He-Aerogel. Journal Low Temperature Physics, 208:341--355, 2022. Priya Sharma and J. A Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  17. Pair Fluctuation Effects on Quasiparticle Transport in Fermi Systems. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters, under review:1--5, 2024. Wei-Ting Lin and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  18. Effects of Incipient Pairing on Non-equilibrium Quasiparticle Transport in Fermi Liquids. Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys., 2022(2):1--28, 2022. Wei-Ting Lin and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  19. Half-Quantum Vortices in Nematic and Chiral Phases of 3He. Physical Review B, 104:024513, 2021. Robert C. Regan, Joshua J. Wiman, and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  20. Impurity-induced Anomalous Thermal Hall Effect in Chiral Superconductors. Physical Review Letters, 124:157002, 2020. Vudtiwat Ngampruetikorn and J. A Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  21. Superfluidity in Disordered Neutron Star Crusts. Physical Review Letters, submitted:1--4, 2020. J. A Sauls, N. Chamel, and M. A. Alpar. [doi], [arXiv].
  22. The Vortex Phase Diagram of Rotating Superfluid 3He-B. Physical Review B, 101:024517, 2020. Robert C. Regan, J. J. Wiman, and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  23. Circuit Quantization in the Presence of Time-Dependent External Flux. Physical Review B, 99:174512, 2019. Xinyuan You, J. A. Sauls, and Jens Koch. [doi], [arXiv].
  24. Broken Time-Reversal Symmetry in the Topological Superconductor UPt3. Nature Physics, 16:531--535, 2020. K. E. Avers, W. J. Gannon, S. J. Kuhn, W. P. Halperin, J. A. Sauls, L. DeBeer-Schmitt, C. D. Dewhurst, J. Gavilano, G. Nagy, U. Gasser, and M. R. Eskildsen. [doi], [arXiv].
  25. Chiral Higgs Mode in Nematic Superconductors. Physical Review Letters, 123:237001, 2019. H. Uematsu, T. Mizushima, A. Tsuruta, S. Fujimoto, and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  26. The Effect of Inhomogeneous Surface Disorder on the Superheating Field of Superconducting RF Cavities. Physical Review Research, 1:012015(R), 2019. Vudtiwat Ngampruetikorn and J. A Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  27. Andreev Bound States and Their Signatures. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 376(2125), 2018. J. A Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  28. New Phases of Superfluid 3He Confined in Aerogels. Physics Today, 71:30--36, 2018. W. P. Halperin, J. Parpia, and J. A Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  29. Spontaneous Helical Order of a Chiral P-Wave Superfluid Confined in Nano-Scale Channels. Physical Review Letters, 121:045301, 2018. J. J. Wiman and J. A Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  30. Bosonic Surface States and Acoustic Spectroscopy of Confined Superfluid 3He-B. Physical Review Letters, submitted:1--5, 2018. Takeshi Mizushima and J. A Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  31. On Nambu's Fermion-Boson Relations for Superfluid 3He. Physical Review B, 95:094515, 2017. J. A Sauls and Takeshi Mizushima. [doi], [arXiv].
  32. Half-Quantum Vortices in Superfluid Helium. Physics, 9:148, 2016. J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  33. Electron Bubbles in Superfluid 3He-A - Exploring the Quasiparticle-Ion Interaction. Journal Low Temperature Physics, 187:340--353, 2016. Oleksii Shevtsov and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  34. Electron Bubbles and Weyl Fermions in Chiral Superfluid 3He-A. Physical Review B, 94:064511, 2016. Oleksii Shevtsov and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  35. Strong-Coupling and the Stripe Phase of Superfluid 3He. Journal Low Temperature Physics, 184:1054--1070, 2016. J. J. Wiman and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  36. Superfluid phases of 3He in nanoscale channels. Physical Review B, 92:144515, 2015. J. J. Wiman and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  37. Anisotropy and Strong-Coupling Effects on the Collective Mode Spectrum of Chiral Superconductors: Application to Sr2RuO4. Frontiers in Physics, 3:36, 2015. J. A. Sauls, Hao Wu, and Suk Bum Chung. [doi], [arXiv].
  38. Majorana excitations, spin and mass currents on the surface of topological superfluid 3He-B. Physical Review B, 88:184506, 2013. Hao Wu and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  39. Superfluid phases of 3He in a periodic confined geometry. Journal Low Temperature Physics, 175:17--30, 2014. J. J. Wiman and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  40. Chiral phases of superfluid 3He in an anisotropic medium. Physical Review B, 88:214503, 2013. J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  41. New Chiral Phases of Superfluid 3He Stabilized by Anisotropic Silica Aerogel. Nature Physics, 8:317--320, 2012. J. Pollanen, J. I. A. Li, C. A. Collett, W. J. Gannon, W. P. Halperin, and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  42. Surface states, Edge Currents, and the Angular Momentum of Chiral P-wave Superfluids. Physical Review B, 84:214509, 2011. J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
Home Publications - J. A. Sauls | Chronological | Quantum Fluids | Superconductivity | Astro | Selected | Reviews | Highlights
Last update: May 29, 2018