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Chronological Publications - J. A. Sauls
  1. 3P2 Pairing Near the Transition Temperature in Neutron-Star Matter. Physical Review D, 17:1524, 1978. J. A. Sauls and J. W. Serene. [doi].
  2. 3P2 Pairing in Neutron Star Matter: Magnetic Field Effects and Vortices. Physical Review D, 21:1494, 1980. P. Muzikar, J. A. Sauls, and J. W. Serene. [doi].
  3. Coupling of Order-Parameter Modes with $L > 1$ to Zero Sound in 3He-B. Physical Review B, 23:4798, 1981. J. A. Sauls and J. W. Serene. [doi].
  4. Potential Scattering Models for the Quasiparticle Interactions in Liquid 3He. Physical Review B, 24:183, 1981. J. A. Sauls and J. W. Serene. [doi].
  5. Higher-Order Strong Coupling Effects in Superfluid 3He. Physica B, 108:1137, 1981. J. A. Sauls and J. W. Serene. [doi].
  6. P-Wave Superfluidity in Neutron Stars and Liquid 3He. Physica B, 107:55, 1981. J. A. Sauls and D. L. Stein. [doi].
  7. Soliton Propagation of Zero Sound in Superfluid 3He-B. Physical Review Letters, 47:530--533, 1981. J. A. Sauls. [doi].
  8. Magnetic Vortices in a Rotating 3P2 Neutron Superfluid. Physical Review D, 25:967--975, 1982. J. A. Sauls, D. L. Stein, and J. W. Serene. [doi].
  9. Evidence for Magnetic Coupling in the Thermal Boundary Resistance Between Liquid 3He and Pt. Physical Review Letters, 48:1831, 1982. T. Perry, K. DeConde, J. A. Sauls, and D. L. Stein. [doi].
  10. Interaction Effects on the Zeeman Splitting of Collective Modes in Superfluid 3He-B. Physical Review Letters, 49:1183, 1982. J. A. Sauls and J. W. Serene. [doi].
  11. Vortices in Rotating 3He-A. Physical Review B, 28:5061, 1983. A.L. Fetter, J.A. Sauls, and D.L. Stein. [doi].
  12. Rapid Post-Glitch Spin-Up of the Superfluid Core in Pulsars. Astrophysical Journal, 282:533, 1984. M.A. Alpar, S. Langer, and J. A. Sauls. [doi].
  13. On the coupling of spin waves with zero sound in normal 3He. Physical Review Letters, 53:106, 1984. J. A. Sauls. [doi].
  14. Superflow coupling of zero sound and the real squashing modes of 3He-B. In U. Eckern, A. Schmid, W. Weber, and H. Wühl, editors, Proceedings of LT-17, page 776, New York, 1984. North Holland. J. A. Sauls and J. W. Serene.
  15. Influence of strong-coupling corrections on the equilibrium phase diagram of 3P2 neutron-star matter. Physical Review D, 29:2705, 1984. V. Z. Vulovic and J. A. Sauls. [doi].
  16. Particle-Hole Symmetry Violations in Normal 3He. Physical Review B, 31:251, 1985. R. S. Fishman and J. A. Sauls. [doi].
  17. Josephson tunneling between superconductors with different spin and space symmetries. unpublished, 1985. J. A. Sauls, Z. Zou, and P. W. Anderson.
  18. Response Functions and Collective Modes of Superfluid 3He-B in Strong Magnetic Fields. Physical Review B, 33:6068, 1986. R. S. Fishman and J. A. Sauls. [doi].
  19. On the Symmetry and Structure of Quantized Vortices in Superfluid 3He-B. Physical Review B, 32:2871, 1985. J. A. Sauls and J. W. Serene. [doi].
  20. F-wave correlations in superfluid 3He. Physical Review B, 34(7):4861--4864, 1986. J. A. Sauls. [doi].
  21. Superfluid 3He and Heavy Fermion Superconductors Near Surfaces and Interfaces. Can. Journ. of Phys., 65:1440, 1987. J. Kurkijärvi, D. Rainer, and J. A. Sauls. [doi].
  22. Josephson Weak-Links in 3He and Unconventional Superconductors. Jpn. Journ. of Appl. Phys., 26:1804, 1987. D. Rainer and J. A. Sauls. [doi].
  23. Quasiclassical Theory of Superconductivity Near Magnetically Active Interfaces. Physical Review B, 38:4504, 1988. A. Millis, D. Rainer, and J. A. Sauls. [doi].
  24. Proximity Effects Between Conventional and Unconventional Superconductors. In S.A. Wolf and V.Z. Kresin, editors, Novel Superconductivity, page 265, New York, 1987. Plenum Press. A. Millis, D. Rainer, and J. A. Sauls. [doi].
  25. Response Functions and Collective Modes of Superfluid 3He-B in Strong Magnetic Fields: Determination of Materials Parameters From Experiments. Physical Review B, 38:2526, 1988. R. S. Fishman and J. A. Sauls. [doi].
  26. On the Dynamical Coupling Between the Superfluid Interior and Crust of a Neutron Star. Astrophysical Journal, 327:723, 1988. M . Alpar and J. A. Sauls. [doi].
  27. Proximity Effect of a Ferromagnetic Insulator in Contact with a Superconductor. Physical Review B, 38:8823, 1988. T. Tokuyasu, J.A. Sauls, and D. Rainer. [doi].
  28. Superfluidity in the Interiors of Neutron Stars. In H. Ögelman and E. van den Heuvel, editors, Timing Neutron Stars, page 457, Dordreccht, The Netherlands, 1989. Kluwer Academic Press. J. A. Sauls. [doi].
  29. Polarons near the Cherenkov Velocity. Physical Review B, 38:13387, 1988. J. H. Jensen and J. A. Sauls. [doi].
  30. Doublet Splitting and Low-Field Evolution of the Real Squashing Modes in Superfluid 3He-B. Physical Review Letters, 61:2871, 1988. R. S. Fishman and J. A. Sauls. [doi].
  31. Anisotropy of the Magnetic-Field-Induced Phase Transition in Superconducting UPt3. Physical Review Letters, 62:332, 1989. A. Schenstrom, M-F. Xu, Y. Hong, D. Bein, M. Levy, B. K. Sarma, S. Adenwalla, Z. Zhao, T.A. Tokuyasu, D. W. Hess, J. B. Ketterson, J. A. Sauls, and D. G. Hinks. [doi].
  32. Electromagnetic Absorption in Anisotropic Superconductors. Physical Review B, 40:6695, 1989. P. Hirschfeld, P. Wölfle, J. A. Sauls, D. Einzel, and W. Putikka. [doi].
  33. Acoustic-Order-Parameter Three-Wave Resonance in Superfluid 3He-B. Europhys. Lett., 9:459, 1989. R. H. McKenzie and J. A. Sauls. [doi].
  34. Vortex states in an unconventional superconductor and the mixed phases of UPt3. Physical Review B, 41(13):8891--8903, 1990. T. A. Tokuyasu, D. W. Hess, and J. A. Sauls. [doi].
  35. Broken Symmetry in an Unconventional Superconductor: a Model for the Double Transition in UPt3. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 1(43):8135--8145, 1989. D. W. Hess, T. A. Tokuyasu, and J. A. Sauls. [doi].
  36. Nonlinear Acoustics in Superfluid 3He-B. In G.G. Ihas and Y. Takano, editors, Helium Three, page 255, New York, 1989. American Institute of Physics. R. H. McKenzie and J. A. Sauls. [doi].
  37. Broken Symmetry and Unconventional Superconductivity in Uniaxial Crystals. Physica B, 163:720, 1990. D. Hess, T. Tokuyasu, and J. A. Sauls. [doi].
  38. Magnetic Instabilities in Unconvetional Superconductors. Physical Review B, 42:2681, 1990. M. Palumbo, P. Muzikar, and J. A. Sauls. [doi].
  39. Collective Modes and Nonlinear Acoustics in Superfluid 3He-B. In W.P. Halperin and L.P. Pitaevskii, editors, Helium Three, page 255, The Netherlands, 1990. Elsiever Science Publishers. R. H. McKenzie and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  40. Quasiclassical Theory of the Josephson Effect in Superfluid 3He. Physica B, 165-166:755--756, 1990. E.V. Thuneberg, J. Kurkijärvi, and J. A. Sauls. [doi].
  41. Stability of Doubly Quantized Vortices in Unconventional Superconductors. Physica B, 165-166:347, 1990. T.A. Tokuyasu and J. A. Sauls. [doi].
  42. Phase Diagram of UPt3 from Ultrasonic Velocity Measurements. Physical Review Letters, 65:2298, 1990. S. Adenwalla, S.W. Lin, Z. Zhao, Q. Z. Ran, J. B. Ketterson, J. A. Sauls, L. Taillefer, D. G. Hinks, M. Levy, and B. K. Sarma. [doi].
  43. Parametric Excitation of the J=2+ Modes by Zero Sound in Superfluid 3He-B. Physica B, 169:170, 1991. J. A. Sauls and R. H. McKenzie. [doi].
  44. Identification of Odd-Parity Superconductivity in UPt3 from Paramagnetic Effects on the Upper Critical Field. Physical Review Letters, 66:484, 1991. C.H. Choi and J. A. Sauls. [doi].
  45. Nonlinear Acoustic Effects in Superfluid 3He-B. Physica B, 178:219, 1992. R. H. McKenzie and J. A. Sauls. [doi].
  46. Proximity Effects of a Thin Film of Unconventional Superconductor in Contact with a Magnetic Substrate. Thin Solid Films, 216:49, 1992. Y. S. Sun, S. K. Yip, and J. A. Sauls. [doi].
  47. Circular Dichroism and Birefringence in Unconventional Superconductors. Journal Low Temperature Physics, 86:257, 1992. S. K. Yip and J. A. Sauls. [doi].
  48. Nonlinear Meissner Effect in CuO Superconductors. Physical Review Letters, 69:2264, 1992. S. K. Yip and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  49. On the Coupling of Zero Sound to the J=1- Modes of 3He-B. Journal Low Temperature Physics, 90:337, 1993. R. H. McKenzie and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  50. Transverse Waves in Superfluid 3He-B. Journal Low Temperature Physics, 91:13, 1993. G. F. Moores and J. A. Sauls. [doi].
  51. Coupled Two-dimensional Fermi-liquids as a Model for Layered Superconductors. Physical Review B, 47:12089, 1993. M. Graf, D. Rainer, and J. A. Sauls. [doi].
  52. Anisotropy of Upper Critical Field in Heavy Fermion Superconductors. Physical Review B, 48:13684, 1993. C. H. Choi and J. A. Sauls. [doi].
  53. A Theory for the Superconducting Phases of UPt3. Journal Low Temperature Physics, 95:153, 1994. J. A. Sauls. [doi].
  54. Josephson Effects in Superconducting Conventional/Unconventional Tunnel Junctions and Weak-links. Physica B, 194-196:1969, 1994. S. K. Yip, Y. Sun, and J. A. Sauls. [doi].
  55. Electromagnetic Response of d-wave Superconductors. Physica B, 194-196:1595, 1994. D. Xu, S. K. Yip, and J. A. Sauls. [doi].
  56. Faraday Effect for Transverse Waves in Superfluid 3He-B. Physica B, 194-196:823, 1994. G. F. Moores and J. A. Sauls. [doi].
  57. Vortices in Superfluid 3He-B at Low Temperatures. Physica B, 194-196:809, 1994. M. Fogelström, J. Kurkijärvi, and J. A. Sauls. [doi].
  58. Fermi-Liquid Theory of Unconventional Superconductors. In Kevin S. Bedell, Ziqiang Wang, David E. Meltzer, Alexander V. Balatsky, and Elihu Abrahams, editors, Strongly Correlated Electronic Materials: The Los Alamos Symposium 1993, pages 106--132, Reading, Mass., 1994. Addison-Wesely. J. A. Sauls. [arXiv].
  59. The Order Parameter for the Superconducting Phases of UPt3. Advances in Physics, 43:113, 1994. J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  60. Fermi-Liquid Theory of Non-S-Wave Superconductivity. In N. Bontemps, Y. Bruynseraede, G. Deutscher, and A. Kapitulnik, editors, NATO ASI series on ``The Vortex State'', page 244, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1994. Kluwer Academic Press. P. Muzikar, D. Rainer, and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  61. Strong-Coupling Theory of Superconductivity. In P. N. Butcher and Yu Lu, editors, Superconductivity: From Basic Physics to New Developments, pages 45--78, Singapore, 1995. World Scientific. D. Rainer and J. A. Sauls. [doi].
  62. Nonlinear Meissner Effect in Unconventional Superconductors. Physical Review B, 51:16233, 1995. D. Xu, S. K. Yip, and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  63. Theory of Intrinsic Josephson Effects in High $T_c$ Superconductors. Physica C, 235-240:3271, 1994. M. J. Graf, M. Palumbo, D. Rainer, and J. A. Sauls. [doi].
  64. Infrared Conductivity in Layered d-wave Superconductors. Physical Review B, 52:10588, 1995. M. J. Graf, M. Palumbo, D. Rainer, and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  65. Thermodynamics of d-wave Superconductors near a Surface. Journal Low Temperature Physics, 101:1079, 1995. L.J. Buchholtz, M. Palumbo, D. Rainer, and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  66. The Effect of Surfaces on the Tunneling Density of States of Anisotropically Paired Superconductors. Journal Low Temperature Physics, 101:1099, 1995. L.J. Buchholtz, M. Palumbo, D. Rainer, and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  67. Effects of Magnetic Order on the Upper Critical Field of UPt3. Physical Review B, 53:8543, 1996. J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  68. Electronic Thermal Conductivity and the Wiedemann-Franz Law for Unconventional Superconductors. Physical Review B, 53:15147--15161, 1996. M. J. Graf, S.-K. Yip, D. Rainer, and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  69. Thermal Conductivity of Superconducting UPt3 at Low Temperatures. Journal Low Temperature Physics, 102:367--379, 1996. M. J. Graf, S.-K. Yip, and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  70. Models for Superfluid 3He in Aerogel. Physical Review Letters, 80:2861, 1998. E. Thuneberg, S.-K. Yip, M. Fogelström, and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  71. The Current Carried by Bound States of a Superconducting Vortex. Physical Review B, 54:10094--10106, 1996. D. Rainer, J. A. Sauls, and D. Waxman. [doi], [arXiv].
  72. Anisotropic Impurity Model for Superfluid 3He in Aerogel. Journal Low Temperature Physics, to be submitted, 1998. J. A. Sauls, E. Thuneberg, and S.-K. Yip.
  73. Surface States of D-wave Superconductors: Broken Time-Reversal Symmetry and Magnetic Field Effects. Physical Review B, submitted:pp. 22, 2002. M. Fogelström, D. Rainer, and J. A. Sauls.
  74. Proximity Effects in Neutron Star Crusts. Physical Review Letters, to be submitted, 1996. C. J. Pethick and J. A. Sauls.
  75. Electromagnetic Signatures of Pair Excitations in dx2-y2 Superconductors. Physical Review, to be submitted, 1996. J. A. Sauls.
  76. Andreev Bound States in Unconventional Superconductors. Czech. J. Phys., 46:1830, 1996. D. W. Hess, D. Rainer, and J. A. Sauls. [doi].
  77. Tunneling Density of States in d-wave Superconductors with Rough Surfaces. Czech. J. Phys., 46:1065, 1996. M. Palumbo, L. Buchholtz, D. Rainer, and J. A. Sauls. [doi].
  78. Universality in Transport Processes of Unconventional Superconductors. Czech. J. Phys., 46:1005, 1996. M. J. Graf, S. K. Yip, and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  79. Josephson Effects in Unconventional Heavy Fermion Superconductors. Czech. J. Phys., 46:557, 1996. S. K. Yip, Y. S. Sun, and J. A. Sauls. [doi].
  80. Localized vs. Delocalized Scattering in Superfluid 3He-aerogel. Czech. J. Phys., 46:113, 1996. E. V. Thuneberg, M. Fogelström, S. K. Yip, and J. A. Sauls. [doi].
  81. Unconventional Pairing in Heavy Fermion Metals. Czech. J. Phys., 47:1065, 1996. J. A. Sauls and D. Rainer. [doi], [arXiv].
  82. Tunneling into Current-Carrying Surface States of High Temperature Superconductors. Physical Review Letters, 79:281--284, 1997. M. Fogelström, D. Rainer, and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  83. Andreev Bound States, Surfaces and Subdominant Pairing in High $T_c$ Superconductors. J. Phys. Chem. Sol., 59:2040--2044, 1998. D. Rainer, H. Burkhardt, M. Fogelström, and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  84. Sound Propagation and Transport Properties of Liquid 3He in Aerogel. Journal Low Temperature Physics, 110:525, 1998. D. Rainer and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  85. Low-Temperature Anomaly in the Penetration Depth of YBa2Cu3O7-x Films: Evidence for Andreev Bound States at Surfaces. Physical Review Letters, 80:3598, 1998. H. Walter, W. Prusseit, R. Semerad, H. Kinder, W. Assmann, H. Huber, H. Burkhardt, D. Rainer, and J. A. Sauls. [doi].
  86. Suppression of Superconductivity in UPt3 Single Crystals. Physical Review B, 58:R603, 1998. J.B. Kycia, J.I. Hong, M.J. Graf, J.A. Sauls, D.N. Seidman, and W.P. Halperin. [doi], [arXiv].
  87. Electromagnetic Response of a Vortex in Layered Superconductors. Physical Review B, 60(14):10447--10454, 1999. M. Eschrig, J. A. Sauls, and D. Rainer. [doi], [arXiv].
  88. Thermal Conductivity of the Accidental Degeneracy and Enlarged Symmetry Group Models for Superconducting UPt3. Journal Low Temperature Physics, 114:257--276, 1999. M. J. Graf, S. K. Yip, and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  89. Quasiclassical Methods in the Theory of Superconductivity and Superfluidity. Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Germany, 1998. D. Rainer and J. A. Sauls.
  90. Impurity States in D-Wave Superconductors. In D. Rainer and J. A. Sauls, editors, Quasiclassical Methods in the Theory of Superconductivity and Superfluidity, page pp. 354, Bayreuth, Germany, 1998. Bayreuth. D.-C. Chen, D. Rainer, and J. A. Sauls.
  91. Effects of Strong Magnetic Fields on the Pairing Fluctuations in High Temperature Superconductors. Physical Review B, 59:12095--12113, 1999. M. Eschrig, D. Rainer, and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  92. Superconducting Fluctuations Effects on the Spin-Lattice Relaxation Rate in YBa2Cu3O7-x. Physical Review Letters, 82:2784--2788, 1999. V. Mitrović, H. N. Bachman, W. P. Halperin, M. Eschrig, J. A. Sauls, A. P. Reyes, P. Kuhns, and W. G. Moulton. [doi], [arXiv].
  93. Superconducting Fluctuations Effects on the Electron Spin Susceptibility in YBa2Cu3O7-x. Physical Review B, 60:7591--7594, 1999. H. N. Bachman, V. Mitrović, A. P. Reyes, W. P. Halperin, M. Eschrig, J. A. Sauls, A. Kleinhammes, P. Kuhns, and W. G. Moulton. [doi], [arXiv].
  94. Local Time-Reversal Symmetry Breaking in $d_x^2-y^2$ Superconductors. Physical Review B, 61:3255--3258, 2000. M.J. Graf, A.V. Balatsky, and J.A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  95. Tunneling into disordered d-wave superconductors. Physica B, 284-288:589--590, 2000. Andreas Poenicke, Mikael Fogelström, and J. A. Sauls. [doi].
  96. Transport in the Heavy Fermion Superconductor UPt3. Physica B, 280:176--177, 1999. M.J. Graf, S. K. Yip, and J.A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  97. Comment on the Magnetic Field Independece of the Spin Gap in YBa2Cu3O7-x, by K. Gorny et al. arXiv:, cond-mat/9901232:1, 1999. V. Mitrović, H. N. Bachman, W. P. Halperin, M. Eschrig, and J. A. Sauls. [arXiv].
  98. Spin-Orbit Scattering in dx2-y2 Superconductors. Int. Journ. Mod. Phys. B, 13:3513--3516, 1999. M.J. Graf, A.V. Balatsky, and J.A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  99. Observation of Paramagnetic Meissner Currents - Evidence for Surface Andreev Bound States. Physica C, 317:396--402, 1999. W. Prusseit, H. Walter, R. Semerad, H. Kinder, W. Assmann, H. Huber, B. Kabius, H. Burkhardt, D. Rainer, and J. A. Sauls. [doi].
  100. Transport Properties of Normal Liquid 3He in Aerogel. Physica B, 284-288:297, 2000. Priya Venkataramani and J. A. Sauls. [doi].
  101. Acoustic Faraday Effect in Superfluid 3He-B. Physica B, 280:106--107, 1999. Y. Lee, T. M. Haard, J. A. Sauls, and W. P. Halperin. [doi].
  102. Magneto-Acoustic Rotation of Transverse Waves in 3He-B. Physica B, 284:267--268, 2000. J. A. Sauls, Y. Lee, T. M. Haard, and W. P. Halperin. [doi], [arXiv].
  103. Tunneling into the ab-plane of Pr-doped and Ion-Irradiated YBa2Cu3O7-x. Phys. Rev. B, submitted, 2000. M. Fogelström, J. A. Sauls, M. Covington, M. Aprili, and L. H. Greene.
  104. Identification of the Orbital Pairing Symmetry in UPt3. Physical Review B, 62(21):14393--14402, 2000. Matthias J. Graf, S.-K. Yip, and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  105. Discovery of the Acoustic Faraday Effect in Superfluid 3He-B. Nature, 400:431--433, 1999. Y. Lee, T. Haard, W. P. Halperin, and J.A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  106. Broken Symmetry and Non-Equilibrium Superfluid 3He. In H. Godfrin and Y. Bunkov, editors, Topological Defects and Non-Equilibrium Symmetry Breaking Phase Transitions - \em Lecture Notes for the 1999 Les Houches Winter School, pages 239--265, Amsterdam, 2000. Elsievier Science Publishers. J. A. Sauls. [arXiv].
  107. Fermi Liquid Superconductivity: \it Concepts, Equations, Applications. In S. L. Dreschsler and T. Mishonov, editors, High-Tc Superconductors and Related Materials: \it Materials Science, Fundamental Properties, and Some Future Electronic Applications - \em Lecture Notes for the 1998 NATO ASI on Superconductivity, Albena, Bulgaria, volume 86, page 33 pages, Amsterdam, 2001. Elsievier Science Publishers. M. Eschrig, J. A. Sauls, H. Burkhardt, and D. Rainer. [doi].
  108. Magnetic Field Effects on Neutron Diffraction in the antiferromagnetic phase of UPt3. Physical Review B, 63(2):024419, 2001. J. Moreno and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  109. Vortex Structure and Dyanmics in Layered Superconductors. In R. Huebener, N. Schopohl, and G. Volovik, editors, Vortices in Unconventional Superconductors and Superfluids, volume 132 of Springer Series in Solid State Science, pages 175--203, Dresden, 2001. Springer-Verlag. M. Eschrig, D. Rainer, and J. A. Sauls. [arXiv].
  110. Magnetic Susceptibility of the Balian-Werthamer Phase of 3He in Aerogel. Journal Low Temperature Physics, 125(3-4):115--142, 2001. P. Sharma and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  111. Thermal Conductivity of Superfluid 3He in Aerogel. Physica B, 329-333:313--315, 2003. P. Sharma and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  112. Comment on Magnetic field effects on neutron diffraction in the antiferromagnetic phase UPt3. Physical Review B, 66:216402, 2002. J. Moreno and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  113. Impurity Effects on the A1-A2 Splitting of Superfluid 3He in Aerogel. Physical Review B, 68:224502, 2003. J. A. Sauls and P. Sharma. [doi], [arXiv].
  114. Nonlinear magnetic field dependence of the conductance in d-wave NIS tunnel junctions. Physical Review B, 70(1):012503, 2004. M. Fogelström, D. Rainer, and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  115. Phase Modulated Thermal Conductance of Josephson Weak Links. Physical Review Letters, 91:077003, 2003. Erhai Zhao, Tomas Löfwander, and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  116. Shot Noise in Normal Metal/d-wave superconductor junctions. Physical Review B, 68:064508, 2003. T. Löfwander, M. Fogelström, and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  117. Thermodynamic Properties of Thin Films of Superfluid 3He-A. Physical Review B, 68:064508, 2003. A. Vorontsov and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  118. Heat transport through Josephson point contacts. Physical Review B, 69(13):134503, 2004. Erhai Zhao, Tomas Löfwander, and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  119. Spectrum of third sound cavity modes on superfluid 3He films. Journal Low Temperature Physics, 134:1001--1008, 2004. A. Vorontsov and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  120. Nonequilibrium Superconductivity Near Spin-Active Interfaces. Physical Review B, 70(13):134510, 2004. Erhai Zhao, Tomas Löfwander, and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  121. Domain walls in superfluid 3He-B. Journal Low Temperature Physics, 138:283, 2005. A. B. Vorontsov and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  122. Magnetization and spin diffusion of liquid 3He in aerogel. Physical Review B, 72(2):024507, 2005. J. A. Sauls, Yu. M. Bunkov, E. Collin, H. Godfrin, and P. Sharma. [doi], [arXiv].
  123. Specific Heat of Disordered Superfluid 3He. Physical Review Letters, 93(14):145301, 2004. H. Choi, K. Yawata, T. M. Haard, J. P. Davis, G. Gervais, N. Mulders, P. Sharma, J. A. Sauls, and W. P. Halperin. [doi], [arXiv].
  124. Helium-Three in Aerogel. Reviews of Modern Physics, submitted:pp. 1--10, 2008. W. P. Halperin and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  125. Phase diagram and spectroscopy of Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov states of two-dimensional d-wave superconductors. Physical Review B, 72(18):184501, 2005. A. B. Vorontsov, J. A. Sauls, and M. J. Graf. [doi], [arXiv].
  126. Nonequilibrium Spin-transfer Torque in SFNFS Junctions. AIP Conference Proceedings, 850(1):893--894, 2006. Erhai Zhao and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  127. Crystalline Order in Superfluid 3He Films. Physical Review Letters, 98(4):045301, 2007. A. B. Vorontsov and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  128. Dynamics of Spin Transport in Voltage-biased Josephson Junctions. Physical Review Letters, 98(20):206601, 2007. Erhai Zhao and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  129. Theory of Superconducting Interface Phenomena. Report of The DOE Basic Energy Sciences \em Workshop on Superconductivity, pages 201--204, 2006. J. A. Sauls and I. Zutic.
  130. Developing a Comprehensive and Predictive Theory of Superconductivity. Report of The DOE Basic Energy Sciences \em Workshop on Superconductivity, pages 121--124, 2006. I. Mazin, A. Balatsky, W. Pickett, V. Vinokour, and J. A. Sauls.
  131. Discovery of an Excited Pair State in Superfluid 3He-B. Nature Physics, 4(7):571--575, 2008. J.P. Davis, J. Pollanen, H. Choi, J.A. Sauls, and W.P. Halperin. [doi], [arXiv].
  132. Anomalous Attenuation of Transverse Sound in 3He. Physical Review Letters, 101(8):085301, 2008. J. P. Davis, J. Pollanen, H. Choi, J. A. Sauls, W. P. Halperin, and A. B. Vorontsov. [doi], [arXiv].
  133. Theory of Nonequilibrium Spin Transport and Spin Transfer Torque in Superconducting-Ferromagnetic Nanostructures. Physical Review B, 78(17):174511, 2008. Erhai Zhao and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  134. Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Quantum Fluids and Solids. Journal Low Temperature Physics, 158(1-2):1--2, 2010. Finn Rasmussen, J. A. Sauls, H. Kojima, and W. P. Halperin. [doi].
  135. Vortices in Chiral, Spin-Triplet Superconductors and Superfluids. New Journal of Physics, 11:075008, 2009. J. A Sauls and M Eschrig. [doi], [arXiv].
  136. Charge Dynamics of Vortex Cores in Layered Chiral Triplet Superconductors. New Journal of Physics, 11:075009, 2009. M Eschrig and J. A Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  137. Theory of Heat Transport of Normal Liquid 3He in Aerogel. New Journal of Physics, 12:083056, 2010. J. A Sauls and Priya Sharma. [doi], [arXiv].
  138. Thermodynamic Potential for Superfluid 3He in Silica Aerogel. Journal Low Temperature Physics, 162(3-4):233--242, 2011. S. Ali, L. Zhang, and J. A Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  139. Vortex States of Chiral P-Wave Superconductors. J. Phys. (IOP), 400:022031, 2012. M. Ichioka, K. Machida, and J. A Sauls. [doi].
  140. Surface states, Edge Currents, and the Angular Momentum of Chiral P-wave Superfluids. Physical Review B, 84:214509, 2011. J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  141. New Chiral Phases of Superfluid 3He Stabilized by Anisotropic Silica Aerogel. Nature Physics, 8:317--320, 2012. J. Pollanen, J. I. A. Li, C. A. Collett, W. J. Gannon, W. P. Halperin, and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  142. Chiral phases of superfluid 3He in an anisotropic medium. Physical Review B, 88:214503, 2013. J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  143. Superfluid phases of 3He in a periodic confined geometry. Journal Low Temperature Physics, 175:17--30, 2014. J. J. Wiman and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  144. Majorana excitations, spin and mass currents on the surface of topological superfluid 3He-B. Physical Review B, 88:184506, 2013. Hao Wu and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  145. Anisotropy and Strong-Coupling Effects on the Collective Mode Spectrum of Chiral Superconductors: Application to Sr2RuO4. Frontiers in Physics, 3:36, 2015. J. A. Sauls, Hao Wu, and Suk Bum Chung. [doi], [arXiv].
  146. Superfluid phases of 3He in nanoscale channels. Physical Review B, 92:144515, 2015. J. J. Wiman and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  147. Strong-Coupling and the Stripe Phase of Superfluid 3He. Journal Low Temperature Physics, 184:1054--1070, 2016. J. J. Wiman and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  148. Electron Bubbles and Weyl Fermions in Chiral Superfluid 3He-A. Physical Review B, 94:064511, 2016. Oleksii Shevtsov and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  149. Electron Bubbles in Superfluid 3He-A - Exploring the Quasiparticle-Ion Interaction. Journal Low Temperature Physics, 187:340--353, 2016. Oleksii Shevtsov and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  150. Half-Quantum Vortices in Superfluid Helium. Physics, 9:148, 2016. J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  151. On Nambu's Fermion-Boson Relations for Superfluid 3He. Physical Review B, 95:094515, 2017. J. A Sauls and Takeshi Mizushima. [doi], [arXiv].
  152. Bosonic Surface States and Acoustic Spectroscopy of Confined Superfluid 3He-B. Physical Review Letters, submitted:1--5, 2018. Takeshi Mizushima and J. A Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  153. Spontaneous Helical Order of a Chiral P-Wave Superfluid Confined in Nano-Scale Channels. Physical Review Letters, 121:045301, 2018. J. J. Wiman and J. A Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  154. New Phases of Superfluid 3He Confined in Aerogels. Physics Today, 71:30--36, 2018. W. P. Halperin, J. Parpia, and J. A Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  155. Weyl Fermions and Broken Symmetry Phases in Laterally Confined 3He Films. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 35:495402, 2023. Hao Wu and J. A Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  156. Andreev Bound States and Their Signatures. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 376(2125), 2018. J. A Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  157. The Effect of Inhomogeneous Surface Disorder on the Superheating Field of Superconducting RF Cavities. Physical Review Research, 1:012015(R), 2019. Vudtiwat Ngampruetikorn and J. A Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  158. Chiral Higgs Mode in Nematic Superconductors. Physical Review Letters, 123:237001, 2019. H. Uematsu, T. Mizushima, A. Tsuruta, S. Fujimoto, and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  159. Broken Time-Reversal Symmetry in the Topological Superconductor UPt3. Nature Physics, 16:531--535, 2020. K. E. Avers, W. J. Gannon, S. J. Kuhn, W. P. Halperin, J. A. Sauls, L. DeBeer-Schmitt, C. D. Dewhurst, J. Gavilano, G. Nagy, U. Gasser, and M. R. Eskildsen. [doi], [arXiv].
  160. Circuit Quantization in the Presence of Time-Dependent External Flux. Physical Review B, 99:174512, 2019. Xinyuan You, J. A. Sauls, and Jens Koch. [doi], [arXiv].
  161. The Vortex Phase Diagram of Rotating Superfluid 3He-B. Physical Review B, 101:024517, 2020. Robert C. Regan, J. J. Wiman, and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  162. Superfluidity in Disordered Neutron Star Crusts. Physical Review Letters, submitted:1--4, 2020. J. A Sauls, N. Chamel, and M. A. Alpar. [doi], [arXiv].
  163. Impurity-induced Anomalous Thermal Hall Effect in Chiral Superconductors. Physical Review Letters, 124:157002, 2020. Vudtiwat Ngampruetikorn and J. A Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  164. Half-Quantum Vortices in Nematic and Chiral Phases of 3He. Physical Review B, 104:024513, 2021. Robert C. Regan, Joshua J. Wiman, and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  165. The AB Transition in Superfluid 3He. Journal Low Temperature Physics, 205:218--225, 2021. W. P. Halperin, Man Nguyen, J. W. Scott, and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  166. Effects of Incipient Pairing on Non-equilibrium Quasiparticle Transport in Fermi Liquids. Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys., 2022(2):1--28, 2022. Wei-Ting Lin and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  167. Pairing Fluctuation Corrections to the Kinetic Theory of Liquid 3He. Journal Low Temperature Physics, 208(2):331--340, 2022. Wei-Ting Lin and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  168. Pair Fluctuation Effects on Quasiparticle Transport in Fermi Systems. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters, under review:1--5, 2024. Wei-Ting Lin and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  169. Anomalous Thermal Hall Effect in Chiral Phases of 3He-Aerogel. Journal Low Temperature Physics, 208:341--355, 2022. Priya Sharma and J. A Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  170. Theory of Disordered Superconductors with Applications to Nonlinear Current Response. Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys., 2022:1--24, 2022. J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  171. Majorana fermions as quanta of a superfluid vacuum. arXiv:, 2203.16698:1--5, 2022. J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  172. On the Excitations of a Balian-Werthamer Superconductor. Journal Low Temperature Physics, 208:87--118, 2022. J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  173. Challenges and opportunities of SRF theory for next generation particle accelerators. arXiv:, 2203.08315:1--13, 2022. Alex Gurevich, Takayuki Kubo, and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  174. Key directions for research and development of superconducting radio frequency cavities. arXiv:, 2204.01178:1--20, 2022. S. Belomestnykh, et al., and SRF collaboration. [doi], [arXiv].
  175. In-situ transmission electron microscopy investigation on surface oxides thermal stability of niobium. Applied Surface Science, 627:157297, 2023. Jin-Su Oh, Xiaotian Fang, Tae-Hoon Kim, Matt Lynn, Matt Kramer, Mehdi Zarea, J.A. Sauls, A. Romanenko, S. Posen, A. Grassellino, C. J. Kopas, Mark Field, Jayss Marshall, Hilal Cansizoglu, J. Y. Mutus, Matthew Reagor, and Lin Zhou. [doi], [arXiv].
  176. Quantum computing hardware for HEP algorithms and sensing. arXiv:, 2204.08605:1--23, 2022. M. Sohaib Alam, et al., and SQMS collaboration. [doi], [arXiv].
  177. Quasiparticle Spectroscopy, Transport, and Magnetic Properties of Nb Films Used in Superconducting Qubits. Physical Review Applied, 20:024031, 2023. Kamal R. Joshi, Sunil Ghimire, Makariy A. Tanatar, Amlan Datta, Jin-Su Oh, Lin Zhou, Cameron J. Kopas, Jayss Marshall, Josh Y. Mutus, Julie Slaughter, Matthew J. Kramer, J. A. Sauls, and Ruslan Prozorov. [doi], [arXiv].
  178. Niobium in the Clean Limit: an Intrinsic Type I Superconductor. Physical Review B Letters, 106:L180505, 2022. Ruslan Prozorov, Mehdi Zarea, and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  179. The Frequency Shift and Q of Disordered Superconducting RF Cavities. Physical Review Research, under review:1--11, 2024. Hikaru Ueki, Mehdi Zarea, and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  180. Anisotropic superconductivity of niobium based on its response to non-magnetic disorder. Physical Review B, 106:224511, 2022. Makariy A. Tanatar, Daniele Torsello, Kamal R. Joshi, Sunil Ghimire, Cameron J. Kopas, Jayss Marshall, Josh Y. Mutus, Gianluca Ghigo, Mehdi Zarea, J. A. Sauls, and Ruslan Prozorov. [doi], [arXiv].
  181. Disorder Induced Anomalous Thermal Hall Effect in Chiral Phases of Superfluid 3He. JPS Conf. Proc., 38:011002, 2023. Priya Sharma, Anton Vorontsov, and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  182. Electromagnetic Response of Superconducting RF Cavities. JPS Conf. Proc., 38:011068, 2023. Hikaru Ueki, Mehdi Zarea, and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  183. The Heat Capacity of 3He-B in Silica Aerogel. Journal Low Temperature Physics, 213:42--50, 2023. J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  184. Systematic Improvements in Transmon Qubit Coherence Enabled by Niobium Surface Encapsulation. NJP Quantum Information, 10:43, 2024. M. Bal and [SQMS Collaboration]. [doi], [arXiv].
  185. Electromagnetic Response of Disordered Superconducting Cavities. Frontiers in Superconducting Materials, 3:1--7, 2023. Mehdi Zarea, Hikaru Ueki, and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  186. Effects of Anisotropy and Disorder on the Superconducting Properties of Niobium. Frontiers in Physics, 11:1269872, 2023. Mehdi Zarea, Hikaru Ueki, and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  187. Formation and Microwave Losses of Hydrides in Superconducting Niobium Thin Films Resulting from Fluoride Chemical Processing. Advanced Functional Materials, 2024:2401365, 2024. C. G. Torres-Castanedo and [SQMS Collaboration]. [doi], [arXiv].
  188. AB Transition in Superfluid 3He and Cosmological Phase Transitions. Journal Low Temperature Physics, 215:495--524, 2024. M. Hindmarsh, J. A. Sauls, K. Zhang, and [QUEST-DMC]. [doi], [arXiv].
  189. Anomalous Hall Effects in Chiral Superconductors. Frontiers in Physics, 12:1384275, 2024. Vudtiwat Ngampruetikorn and J. A Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  190. Photon Frequency Conversion in High-Q Superconducting Resonators: Axion Electrodynamics, QED and Nonlinear Meissner Radiation. Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys., 2024:1--20, 2024. Hikaru Ueki and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  191. Hydrogen and Deuterium Tunneling in Niobium. Physical Review B, submitted:1--5, 2024. Abdulaziz Abagoda, W. A. Shelton, I. Vekhter, and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
  192. Efficacious Qubit Mappings for Quantum Simulations of the 12C Rotational Band. In 2024 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI), pages 627--631, 2024. Darin C. Mumma, Zhonghao Sun, Alexis Mercenne, Kristina D. Launey, Soorya Rethinasamy, and James A. Sauls. [doi].
  193. Kibble-Zurek Dynamics and Statistics of Topological Defects in Chiral Superfluid 3He Films. Physical Review B, submitted:1--11, 2024. Nobel Gluscevich and J. A. Sauls. [doi], [arXiv].
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