Localized vs. delocalized scattering in superfluid 3He-aerogel
- Author(s):
E. V. Thuneberg, M. Fogelstr̈om, S. K. Yip and J. A. Sauls
- Date: September 1996
- Journal:
Czech J Phys (1996) 46: 113-114
- Abstract:
Two recent experiments find superfluidity of 3He in 98% porous aerogel. This system
is a realization of impurity scattering in an unconventional superconductor/superfluid. We study
two simple models of scattering that can be used to interpret the experiments.
- Comment:
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Low Temperature Physics,
Prague, August 8-14, 1996; 2 pages, 2 figures.
- Eprint: