Comments: 4 pages with 2 figures
The orignal version for this article on Scattering Models for Superfluid 3He in Aerogel
was submitted for publication to Physical Review Letters and posted on arXiv on January 31, 1996.
The key results contined in the 1996 version were later published in the revised version in March 1998.
The 1996 arXiv version included the effects of random anisotropy and the Larkin-Imry-Ma effect
on the chiral order parameter for the A-phase, and its implications for the NMR signature of the
disorderd A-phase. The original manuscript also includes formulas for computing the effects of
impurity scattering on the GL material parameters as well as the hydrodynamic parameters and NMR
frequency shifts for A- and B-like phases.
Original Version:
[PDF 1996]
[arXiv 1996]
Published Version:
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