Strong-Coupling Theory of Superconductivity

Author(s): D. Rainer and J. A. Sauls
Comments: 34 pages
Chapter in `Superconductivity: From Basis Principles to the Latest Developments', pp. 45-78, Lecture Notes of the ICTP Spring College in Condensed Matter on ``Superconductivity'' ICTP, Trieste, Italy, 27 April - 19 June 1992, Eds. L. N. Butcher and Yu Lu, World Scientific, Singapore, 1995 [ISBN: 978-981-4590-22-8]. [DOI]

The electronic properties of correlated metals with a strong electron-phonon coupling may be understood in terms of a combination of Landau's Fermi-liquid theory and the strong-coupling theory of Migdal and Eliashberg. In these lecture notes we discuss the microscopic foundations of this phenomenological Fermi-liquid model of correlated, strong-coupling metals. We formulate the basic equations of the model, which are quasiclassical transport equations that describe both equilibrium and non-equilibrium phenomena for the normal and superconducting states of a metal. Our emphasis is on superconductors close to equilibrium, for which we derive the general linear response theory. As an application we calculate the dynamical conductivity of strong-coupling superconductors.

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