Fermi-Liquid Theory of Non-S-wave Superconductivity

Author(s): P. Muzikar, D. Rainer and J.A. Sauls
Comments: 20 pages
Journal: 1993 Cargese Lectures on "The Vortex State", NATO-ASI Science Series C, Volume 438, pp. 244-263,
                Eds. N. Bontemps, Yvan Bruynseraede, Guy Deutscher, Aharon Kapitulnik, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994, ISBN 0-7923-2971-6.

These lectures present the Fermi-liquid theory of superconductivity, which is applicable to a broad range of systems that are candidates for non-s wave pairing, e.g. the heavy fermions, organic metals and the CuO superconductors. Ginzburg-Landau (GL) theory provides an important link between experimental properties of non-s wave superconductors and the more general Fermi-liquid theory. The multiple superconducting phases of UPt3 provide an ideal example of the role that is played by the GL theory for non-s-wave superconductors. The difference between non-s wave superconductivity and conventional anisotropic superconductivity is illustrated here by the unique effects that impurities are predicted to have on the properties of non-s wave superconductors.

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