Circuit Quantization in the Presence of Time-Dependent External Flux
- Author(s):
Xinyuan You, J. A. Sauls and Jens Koch
- Address: Center for Applied Physics & Superconducting Technologies
- Address: Department of Physics, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208
- Date: March 1, 2019
- Journal:
Physical Review B 99, 174512 (2019)
- Abstract:
Circuit quantization links a physical circuit to its corresponding quantum Hamiltonian. The standard quantization procedure generally assumes any external magnetic flux to be static. Time dependence naturally arises, however, when flux is modulated or when flux noise is considered. In this case, application of the existing quantization procedure can lead to inconsistencies. To resolve these, we generalize circuit quantization to incorporate time-dependent external flux.
- Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures
- Eprint: