On Nambu's Fermion-Boson Relations for Superfluid 3He
- Author(s):
J. A. Sauls and Takeshi Mizushima
- Address: Department of Physics & Astronomy, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208
- Date: November 22, 2016
- Journal:
Physical Review B 95, 094515 (2017)
- Abstract:
Superfluid 3He is a spin-triplet (S=1), p-wave (L=1) BCS condensate of Cooper pairs with total
angular momentum J=0 in the ground state. In addition to the breaking of
U(1) gauge
symmetry, separate spin or orbital rotation symmetry is broken to the maximal sub-group,
The Fermions acquire mass, m ≡ ∆, where ∆ is the BCS gap.
There are also 18 Bosonic excitations - 4 Nambu-Goldstone (NG) modes and 14 massive amplitude Higgs
(AH) modes. The Bosonic modes are labeled by the total angular momentum, J ∈ {0,1,2}, and parity
under particle-hole symmetry, C=±1. For each pair of angular momentum quantum numbers, J,Jz, there are two
Bosonic partners with C=±1.
Based this spectrum Nambu proposed a sum rule connecting the Fermion and Boson masses for BCS type
theories, which for
3He-B is M2 + M2 = 4m2
for each family of Bosonic modes labeled by J, where
is the mass of the Bosonic mode with quantum numbers (J,C).
Nambu's sum rule (NSR) has recently been discussed in the context of Nambu-Jona-Lasinio models for physics
beyond the standard model to speculate on possible partners to the recently discovered Higgs Boson at higher energies.
Here we point out that Nambu's Fermion-Boson mass relations are not exact. Corrections to the
Bosonic masses from (i) leading order strong-coupling corrections to BCS theory, and (ii)
polarization of the parent Fermionic vacuum lead to violations of the sum-rule.
Results for these mass corrections are given in both the T→ 0 and T→ Tc limits.
We also discuss experimental results, and theoretical analysis, for the masses of the Jc=2±
Higgs modes and the magnitude of the violation of the NSR.
- Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures
- Eprint: