Majorana Excitations, Spin- and Mass Currents on the Surface of Topological Superfluid 3He-B
- Author(s):
Hao Wu and J. A. Sauls
- Address: Department of Physics & Astronomy, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208
- Date: August 20, 2013
- Journal:
Phys. Rev. B 88, 184506 (2013)
- Abstract:
The B-phase of superfluid 3He is a 3D time-reversal invariant (TRI) topological superfluid
with an isotropic
energy gap separating the ground-state and bulk continuum states. We report calculations of surface spectrum,
spin- and mass current densities originating from the Andreev surface states for confined
3He-B. The surface
states are Majorana Fermions with their spins polarized transverse to their direction of propagation along
the surface. The negative energy states give rise to a ground-state helical spin current confined on the
surface. The spectral functions reveal the subtle role of the spin-polarized surface states in relation to
the ground-state spin current. By contrast, these states do not contribute to the T=0 mass current.
Superfluid flow through a channel of confined 3He-B is characterized by the flow field,
The flow field
breaks 2D rotational symmetry and time reversal (T). However, the Bogoliubov-Nambu Hamiltonian remains
invariant under T combined with a 180 degree rotation about the normal to the film. As a result the B-phase
in the presence of a superflow remains a topological phase with a gapless spectrum of Majorana modes on the
surface. Thermal excitation of the Doppler shifted Majorana branches leads to a power law suppression of the
superfluid mass current, providing a direct signature of the Majorana branches of surface excitations in the
fully gapped 3D topological superfluid, 3He-B. Results are reported for the superfluid fraction
(mass current) and helical spin current for confined 3He-B,
including the temperature dependences, as
well as dependences on confinement, interactions between quasiparticles and pressure.
- Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures
- Eprint: