Vortices in chiral, spin-triplet superconductors and superfluids
- Author(s):
J. A. Sauls
M. Eschrig
- Address: Department of Physics & Astronomy, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208
- Date: April 11, 2009
- Journal:
New J. Phys. 11 075008 (2009)
- Abstract:
Superconductors exhibit unconventional electronic and magnetic properties if the Cooper pair wave
function breaks additional symmetries of the normal phase. Rotational symmetries in spin- and orbital
spaces, as well as discrete symmetries such as space and time inversion, may be spontaneously broken.i
When this occurs in conjunction with broken global U(1) gauge symmetry, new physical phenomena are
exhibited below the superconducting transition that are characteristic of the broken symmetries of the
pair condensate. This is particularly true of vortices and related defects. Superconductors with a
multi-component order parameter exhibit a variety of different vortex structures and closely related
defects that are not possible in condensates belonging to a one-dimensional representation. In this
article we discuss the structure of vortices in Fermionic superfluids and superconductors which break
chiral symmetry, i.e. combined broken time-inversion and 2D parity. In particular, we consider the
structure of vortices and defects that might be realized in thin films of 3He-A and the
layered superconductor Sr2RuO4, and identify some of the characteristic
signatures of broken chiral symmetry that should be revealed by these defects.
- Comment: 28 pages, with 7 figures includes an expanded discussion of theoretical and
computational methods with additional references on vortex studies and theory of inhomogeneous
- Eprint: