Magnetization and Spin-Diffusion of Liquid 3He in Aerogel
- Author(s):
J. A. Sauls, Yu. M. Bunkov, E. Collin, H. Godfrin and P. Sharma
- Date: August 23, 2004
- Journal:
Phys. Rev. B 72, 024507 (2005)
- Abstract:
We report theoretical calculations of the normal-state spin diffusion coefficient of
3He in aerogel, including both elastic and inelastic scattering of 3He quasiparticles,
and compare these results with experimental data for 3He in 98% porous silica aerogel.
This analysis provides a determination of the elastic mean free path within the aerogel.
Measurements of the magnetization of the superfluid phase provide a test of the theory
of pairbreaking and magnetic response of low-energy excitations in the ``dirty'' B-phase
of 3He in aerogel. A consistent interpretation of the data for the spin-diffusion coefficient,
magnetization and superfluid transition temperature is obtained by including correlation
effects in the aerogel density.
- Comment: 7 pages with 9 figures
- Eprint: