Anisotropic Superfluidity in Neutron Stars and Strong-Coupling Effects in Superfluid 3

Author(s): J. A. Sauls
Comments: 158 pages
URL: PhD Thesis, J. A. Sauls from ProQuest

3He 3P2 The Ginzburg-Landau theory is developed to study the neutron superfluid expected to exist in the interiors of neutron stars. We first find the minima of the general Ginzburg-Landau functional for 3P2 pairing lies in a region of parameter space minimized by any unitary order parameter. Our estimate of the strong-coupling effects in neutron matter indicates that the strong-coupling functional remains in the same region of parameter space as the BCS functional. Next I consider the effect of a magnetic field on the anisotropic neutron superfluid. In a strong magnetic field the pairing state has an angle-dependent energy gap with a node along the field direction. I also study non-uniform states in the 3P2 superfluid.

Methods of homotopy theory are used to determine the topologically stable line defects allowed by the 3P2 order parameter. Free energy analyses of line vortices gives a qualitatively different structure to the single vortex, outside of the core region, than that obtained by other authors. I also observe that the form of the order parameter in the core region implies that 3P2 neutron vortices have a magnetic moment directed along the vortex line.

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