Frontiers in Quantum Matter: Symmetry, Topology and Strong Correlation Physics

2018 International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids

Authors: James A. Sauls
Department of Physics & Astronomy, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208
August 5, 2018

Abstract: I highlight some current and frontier directions in low-temperature physics and quantum matter, focussing on unsolved problems and open questions: (i) is superfluid 3He-A the precursor to magnetically ordered solid 3He?, (ii) Majorana particles in superfluid 3He - where are they and should we care?, (iii) what do we not understand about the dynamics of mesoscopic objects in a quantum bath at ultra-low temperatures?, and (iv) does our understanding of quantum fluids and quantum turbulence provide any insight into the rotational dynamics of pulars?

This research was supported by NSF Grant: DMR-1508730

Slides: [PDF]

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